Patient Testimonials

Prior to coming to the Ahwatukee Spinal Aid Center, I had been suffering for 2 years with constant, severe pain going from my low back, down my leg and into my foot.
I was very limited at work and had to miss family functions because of my back pain. Living with chronic pain 24/7 became very depressing, and I didn’t enjoy doing anything because of the pain. After consulting with other doctors over the years, I was told that drugs and/or surgery were my only options for pain control.
My problem continued to get worse and I was not getting relief from pain medication and did not want to do surgery. Finally my primary care doctor referred me to Dr. Boardman.
My experience at this office has been awesome. Dr. Boardman and his staff have been very supportive and really are committed to “getting you better.” They are compassionate and caring. If you have back and/or leg pain, I would tell you that you need to talk with Dr. Boardman about your options. Dr. Boardman “educated” me on my condition. I did not have take drugs or have surgery. I now have zero pain and I feel like a new person

My lower back problem limited any type of activity that included sitting for any periods of time. This meant I could not drive, sit down for dinner, or sit at my desk for more than five minutes without pain.
I could not perform my duties at work, and had gone on short-term disability because the pain was affecting my daily work routine. I grew concerned that my problem seemed to be worsening with time, and I did not want to pursue surgery or drugs.
I was told about Spinal Decompression by a friend and consulted with Dr. Boardman concerning the procedure. I have been very happy with the outcome and my experience at the Ahwatukee Spinal Aid Center. I do believe I would not have recovered as quickly and been able to resume my daily living if it had not been for this treatment.

I have been having pain in my lower back and into my hamstring area for about 20 years. The pain might last a day or two and would disappear. This happened about 2-3 times per year; however, I never really thought much about it nor sought out treatment.
When my most recent problem occurred, the pain was much different. It didn’t really subside, and was very prominent in my backside, hamstring and into my foot. I had significant difficulty sleeping; when I did sleep I could only sleep on my back and could not walk very well when I got out of bed.
I travel on a plane for a living and do a lot of sitting. Sitting was nearly impossible without pain, and riding in a car was almost intolerable. My problem worsened on a Thursday, and I knew by the following Monday I needed to see a doctor. The pain shooting down to my lower leg and foot was a clear signal to me that I needed to see a doctor.
I have been in the health care profession for 20 years and was adamant about not pursuing a surgical route. Also, I have read enough about the dangers of pharmacological products to stay away from them; however, I can easily understand why people choose that route. The pain I was feeling was the most miserable and unceasing I have ever had.
When I knew I had to go to a doctor, my next door neighbor had spoke highly of Dr. Boardman, so I decided I would give him and chiropractic a chance.
My experience has been nothing but positive. I began Decompression treatments after my third visit with Dr. Boardman, and was a bit skeptical. I wanted desperately to avoid surgery and could not afford taking a significant amount of time of work.
The Decompression treatments were challenging at first. It certainly does not feel like anything I had experienced before. It did not hurt, but I could tell “something” was happening in my lower back. After the first 3 visits, I began having a reduction in my pain and symptoms. After 7-10 visits I was able to begin taking control of my symptoms. During the first 6 weeks I controlled my pain by using a portable electrical stimulation unit from VQ Orthocare which helped me stay active and complete my at home rehab that Dr. Boardman had given me.
After the 10th visit, I knew I was on the road to recovery; my daily activities had increased significantly. I could sit at work for 1-2 hours, I could sleep much better, and although I was still cautious with lifting and bending, I felt like I was back to living a normal life.
After 25 Decompression visits, ongoing rehab, stretching and strengthening, my pain level has gone from a strong 8 out of 10 down to a 0 (zero) out of 10. I am fully active with my daily activities at work and at home. I am much more comfortable and confident that I am able to manage my back through the ongoing stretches and strengthening program that Dr. Boardman has given me and I would highly recommend the entire program for someone who is having significant back and leg pain caused by disc herniation and/or sciatica. Surgery is not a cure all, and I would strongly encourage all patients to attempt a non-surgical solution involving chiropractic and decompression therapy prior to selecting that treatment regime.

I was suffering with severe low back and leg pain and was unable to do even the simplest of things, such as sitting at work, driving, standing in line, and walking. The pain was so extreme that I really had no quality of life. I became concerned as my pain was getting worse and thought it would continue to get worse if I did not see someone about it. Fortunately I was searching the internet and found Dr. Boardman and the Spinal Aid Center. They were able to see me and get me in the same day!
I am very pleased with the care I have received and my experience has been good! I would tell someone with a disc problem to go see Dr. Boardman. I am glad that I chose to do this non-invasive spinal decompression, instead of opting for surgery. The results are fantastic!

I’ve suffered with back problems for most of my adult life. I’ve come to accept back pain as normal and expected. At least once a year, many times more than that, my back would “go out” and I would have to suffer for a week or two, sometimes more. In late 2008, my back went out again. But this time, it didn’t get better. It got progressively worse. I continued with my chiropractor at that time. That helped keep the pain from getting worse, but it never improved. In January of 2009, it forced me to cut back on bowling and exercise. I’ve been bowling for over 20 years and it’s a major part of my life. Only now, every shot I took hurt.
Finally in April, it happened. Something blew out. The only way to describe it would be to say it felt like it was a balloon with hot water had exploded in my low back. After both x-rays and MRI’s, it was determined that I had herniated not one, but two discs. Fortunately, friends that I bowl with are patients at a Spinal Aid clinic and gave me the materials.
I met with Dr. Boardman and entrusted my recovery to him, his staff and to Spinal Aid. I began to feel some relief after only a week and a half (6 sessions) and knew at that point that I had made the right decision. I had gone 30 sessions which lasted 2 months and I can say comfortably that the disc problem is gone. The rehab I received at this office was one on one and dedicated time to me as needed. I am back in the gym, but still taking it easy as I don’t want to risk re-injury. I will be following the prescribed exercises and am planning on bowling again in a few months. But for now, I’m happy to say that I can get in the car and drive without the disc pain. I can spend time at work, behind my desk, without disc pain. I can even take care of my house work and yard work without disc pain. I would recommend Dr. Boardman and the Spinal Aid center for disc decompression.