Clinic Treatments
Chiropractic Care in Ahwatukee
Dr. Boardman has had the pleasure of providing Chiropractic care to thousands of patients since 1998. Although Chiropractic is exceptional at relieving back and neck pain, its benefits go well beyond. Your nervous system controls every function in the body. So since the spine protects it, it makes sense that if the spine is out of alignment (subluxated), there will be some nerve interference. Our posture, sleep habits, work environment, sports and leisure activities, all contribute to our spinal health. So maintaining proper spinal alignment is crucial to optimal health.
Along with treating issues of the spine, Dr. Boardman is also very accomplished at treating extremity and sports injuries. He and his staff take a very “hands on” approach to care, which includes Chiropractic, Massage Therapy, and Exercise/Rehabilitation. In addition to Chiropractic care, Dr. Boardman is one of a handful of doctors in the valley that provide Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression to those suffering from herniated/bulging discs, degeneration, sciatica, numbness/tingling, and stenosis. Read More